Friday, January 29, 2010

Good Lord ... it's a blog!

Today I am creating a blog. I have no idea what I will use this thing for. I am determined to create a blog for our cancer support group, and I wanted to make all my rookie mistakes in a less public format.

Perhaps I will use this as a place to post some of my favorite scrapbook pages. Would that spoil the surprise on Christmas when everyone is opening their latest scrapbook?

Or perhaps I should just post some of the thousands of photos that I take every year? It would be great to be doing something with them.

For today, I will try adding some photos of the amazing hoar frost that our latest winter storm left behind. A simple reminder why I choose to stay on the banks of Big Stone Lake.


  1. Okay, just testing to see how this works.

  2. Suck beautiful photographs...

